The days were short, the weather cold
So I didn't see any reason why
I shouldn't stay inside the house
And bake myself a pie.
My first attemp wasn't all that bad
And I know one thinguu's sure true...
I've eaten a whole lot worse and
Paid for the privilege, too!
I might not have bragged so much
Had I known how things would end
But then how was I to know
This was the beginning of a trend.
My neighbour, Erik, phoned one day
Complaining about the snow and winter weather.
He was short of feed, cattle prices were low
And his pie dough wouldnt stick together!
When I tried a piece of his apple pie
I didn't want to admit it at the time.
"His was alot better than mine."
But I had to face up to the truth..
His crust was so tender...and flakey as well.
With the first bite I knew right then
I'd have to take my wounded pride
And go back to the practice pen.
So the challenge was issued
The Gauntlet flung!
Cows went unfed
and Chores undone.